Wednesday, May 19, 2010


LEGISLATIVE ALERT #10-10 May 17, 2010


The Issue: Reverse the 21% Reduction in Medicare/TRICARE Physician Payment Rates set to occur June 1, 2010

Immediate Action Required: Contact your Senators and Representative and urge them to take immediate legislative action to reverse the planned 21% reduction in Medicare/TRICARE physician payment rates now scheduled to occur June 1, 2010

The temporary Medicare rate reduction fix enacted by Congress last month expires June 1, 2010. This was the second temporary fix this year. Once again we need to act quickly and decisively. Passage of health care legislation on March 23, 2010 left this critical business unattended.

Payment rates in the TRICARE program for our members of the military are tied directly to Medicare rates. To control growth in Medicare payments to physicians, a complicated programmed formula, designed to keep Medicare payments to physicians in line with a targeted Sustainable Growth Rate (SGR) is now scheduled to reduce Medicare/TRICARE physician payment rates by 21% on June 1, 2010. Congress must take immediate legislative action to reverse this scheduled reduction.

According to an AARP poll, nearly 90% of people age 50 and older are concerned that the Medicare physician payment cuts will threaten their access to care. Congress must provide more than a short-term fix to this troubling process.

Contact your Senators and Representative again and ask them to take immediate action to permanently reverse the planned 21% cut in Medicare/TRICARE payments now scheduled to occur June 1, 2010.


By using the "Write to Congress" feature on the NGAUS Web site at, you can IMMEDIATELY e-mail your elected representatives. A sample letter is included in our "Write to Congress" feature. You can e-mail the pre-written message or edit the sample letter as you desire. This is the quickest and most effective method of expressing your views to Congress. Also, contact your friends and family and urge them to "Write to Congress" as well. For more in-depth information and background visit our web site at Please direct any questions concerning this issue to Pete Duffy, NGAUS Deputy Legislative Director at 202-454-5307 or via email at

Bill Mauldin Stamp Release

The post office gets a lot of criticism. Always has, always will.

And with the renewed push to get rid of Saturday
mail delivery, expect complaints to intensify.

But the United States Postal Service deserves a
standing ovation for something that's going to
happen this month: Bill Mauldin is getting his own postage stamp.

Mauldin died at age 81 in the early days of
2003. The end of his life had been rugged. He
had been scalded in a bathtub, which led to
terrible injuries and infections; Alzheimer's
disease was inflicting its cruelties. Unable to
care for himself after the scalding, he became a
resident of a California nursing home, his
health and spirits in rapid decline.

He was not forgotten, though. Mauldin, and his
work, meant so much to the millions of Americans
who fought in World War II, and to those who had
waited for them to come home. He was a kid
cartoonist for Stars and Stripes, the military
newspaper; Mauldin's drawings of his muddy,
exhausted, whisker-stubbled infantrymen Willie
and Joe were the voice of truth about what it was like on the front lines.

Mauldin was an enlisted man just like
the soldiers he drew for; his gripes were their
gripes, his laughs were their laughs, his
heartaches were their heartaches. He was one of them. The y loved him.

He never held back. Sometimes, when his cartoons
cut too close for comfort, his superior officers
tried to tone him down. In one memorable
incident, he enraged Gen. George S. Patton, and
Patton informed Mauldin he wanted the
pointed cartoons -- celebrating the fighting
men, lampooning the high-ranking officers -- to stop. Now.

The news passed from soldier to soldier. How was
Sgt. Bill Mauldin going to stand up to Gen. Patton? It seemed impossible.

Not quite. Mauldin, it turned out, had an ardent
fan: Five-star Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower,
supreme commander of the Allied
forces in Europe . Ike put out the word:
Mauldin draws what Mauldin wants. Mauldin won. Patton lost.

If, in your line of work, you've ever considered
yourself a young hotshot, or if you've ever
known anyone who has felt that way about himself
or herself, the story of Mauldin's young
manhood will humble you. Here is what, by the
time he was 23 years old, Mauldin had accomplished:

He won the Pulitzer Prize. He was featured on
the cover of Time magazine. His book "Up Front"
was the No. 1 best-seller in the� United States .

All of that at 23. Yet when he returned to
civilian life and he grew older, he never lost
that boyish Mauldin grin, he never outgrew his
excitement about doing his job, he never
big-shotted or high-hatted the people with whom he worked every day.

I was lucky enough to be one of them; Mauldin
roamed the hallways of the Chicago Sun-Times in
the late 1960s and early 1970s with no more
officiousness or air of haughtiness than if he
was a copyboy. That impish look on his face remained.

He had achieved so much. He had won a second
Pulitzer Prize, and he should have won a third,
for what may be the single greatest editorial
cartoon in the history of the craft: his
deadline rendering, on the day President John F.
Kennedy was assassinated, of the statue at the
Lincoln Memorial slumped in grief, its
head cradled in its hands. But he never acted as
if he was better than the people he met. He was
still Mauldin the enlisted man.

During the late summer of 2002, as Mauldin lay
in that California nursing home, some of the old
World War II infantry guys caught wind of it.
They didn't want Mauldin to go out that way.
They thought he should know that he was still their hero.

Gordon Dillow, a columnist for the Orange County
Register, put out the call in Southern California
for people in the area to send their best wishes
to Mauldin; I joined Dillow in the effort,
helping to spread the appeal nationally so that
Bill would not feel so alone. Soon more than
10,000 letters and cards had arrived at Mauldin's bedside.

Even better than that, the old soldiers began to
show up just to sit with Mauldin, to let him know
that they were there for him, as he, long ago,
had been there for them. So many volunteered to
visit Bill that there was a waiting list. Here
is how Todd DePastino, in the first paragraph of
his wonderful biography of Mauldin, described it:

"Almost every day in the summer and fall of 2002
they came to Park Superior nursing
home in Newport Beach , California , to honor
Army Sergeant, Technician Third Grade, Bill
Mauldin. They came bearing relics of
their youth: medals, insignia, photographs, and
carefully folded newspaper clippings. Some wore
old garrison caps. Others arrived resplendent in
uniforms over a half century old. Almost all
of them wept as they filed down the corridor
like pilgrims fulfilling some long-neglected obligation."

One of the veterans explained to me why it was so important:

"You would have to be part of a combat infantry
unit to appreciate what moments of relief Bill
gave us. You had to be reading a soaking wet
Stars and Stripes in a water-filled foxhole and
then see one of his cartoons."

Mauldin is buried in Arlington National
Cemetery . This month, the kid cartoonist makes
it onto a first-class postage stamp. It's
an honor that most generals and admirals never receive.

What Mauldin would have loved most, I believe,
is the sight of the two guys who are keeping him company on that stamp.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Mrs. Pamela Murphy

Pamela Murphy, widow of WWII hero and actor,
Audie Murphy, died peacefully at her home on
April 8, 2010. She is survived by sons, Terry and
James. Pam established her own distinctive 30
year career working as a patient liaison at the
Sepulveda VA Hospital, where she was much
beloved. Services were held at Forest Lawn
(Hollywood Hills) on Friday April 16.


October 7, 1923 - April 8, 2010
Pam Murphy, the widow of Audie Murphy, was
involved in the Sepulveda VA hospital and care
center over the course of 35 years, treating
every veteran who visited the facility as if they
were a VIP. Pam Murphy died at the age of 90.


After Audie died, they all became her boys. Every last one of them.

Any soldier or Marine who walked into the
Sepulveda VA hospital and care center in the last
35 years got the VIP treatment from Pam Murphy.
The widow of Audie Murphy – the most decorated
soldier in World War II – would walk the hallways
with her clipboard in hand making sure her boys
got to see a specialist or doctor ­ STAT. If they
didn't, watch out. Her boys weren't Medal of
Honor recipients or movie stars like Audie, but
that didn't matter to Pam. They had served their
country. That was good enough for her. She never
called a veteran by his first name. It was always
"Mister." Respect came with the job. "Nobody
could cut through VA red tape faster than Mrs.
Murphy," said veteran Stephen Sherman, speaking
for thousands of veterans she befriended over the
years. "Many times I watched her march a veteran
who had been waiting more than an hour right into
the doctor's office. She was even reprimanded a
few times, but it didn't matter to Mrs. Murphy.
"Only her boys mattered. She was our angel."

Sepulveda VA's angel for the last 35 years died
peacefully in her sleep at age 90.

"She was in bed watching the Laker game, took one
last breath, and that was it," said Diane Ruiz,
who also worked at the VA and cared for Pam in
the last years of her life in her Canoga Park
apartment. It was the same apartment Pam moved
into soon after Audie died in a plane crash on
Memorial Day weekend in 1971. Audie Murphy died
broke, squandering million of dollars on
gambling, bad investments, and yes, other
women. "Even with the adultery and desertion at
the end, he always remained my hero," Pam told me.

She went from a comfortable ranch-style home in
Van Nuys where she raised two sons to a small
apartment - taking a clerk's job at the nearby VA
to support herself and start paying off her faded
movie star husband's debts. At first, no one
knew who she was. Soon, though, word spread
through the VA that the nice woman with the
clipboard was Audie Murphy's widow. It was like
saying Patton had just walked in the front door.
Men with tears in their eyes walked up to her and
gave her a hug. "Thank you," they said, over and over.

The first couple of years, I think the hugs were
more for Audie's memory as a war hero. The last 30 years, they were for Pam.

She hated the spotlight. One year I asked her to
be the focus of a Veteran's Day column for all
the work she had done. Pam just shook her head
no. "Honor them, not me," she said, pointing to
a group of veterans down the hallway. "They're the ones who deserve it."

The vets disagreed. Mrs. Murphy deserved the
accolades, they said. Incredibly, in 2002, Pam's
job was going to be eliminated in budget cuts.
She was considered "excess staff." "I don't
think helping cut down on veterans' complaints
and showing them the respect they deserve, should
be considered excess staff," she told
me. Neither did the veterans. They went
ballistic, holding a rally for her outside the VA
gates. Pretty soon, word came down from the top
of the VA. Pam Murphy was no longer considered
"excess staff." She remained working full time at
the VA until 2007 when she was 87. "The last
time she was here was a couple of years ago for
the conference we had for homeless veterans,"
said Becky James, coordinator of the VA's Veterans History Project.

Pam wanted to see if there was anything she could
do to help some more of her boys.