Monday, December 31, 2007

Saturday, December 22, 2007


The Sentinel's Creed:
My dedication to this sacred duty is total and whole-hearted. In the responsibility bestowed on me never will I falter.And with dignity and perseverance my standard will remain perfection.Through the years of diligence and praise and the discomfort of the elements, I will walk my tour in humble reverence to the best of my ability. It is he who commands the respect I protect, his bravery that made us so proud. Surrounded by well meaning crowds by day, alone in the thoughtful peace of night, this soldier will in honored glory rest under my eternal vigilance

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Good News Coming on Retired Pay!?

John W. McCance, President of the Air Force Association State of Ohio reports that Ohio
Governor Ted Strickland signed into law House Bill 372 which among other things allows Ohio tax exemption of military retirement pay.


555 HONORS SCHEDULE for 2008

...555th HONORS SCHEDULE 2008...

Dinner Meeting..................DUTY WEEK

03 JAN 08...........................07-11 JAN 08
21 FEB 08...........................25-29 FEB 08
10 APR 09...........................14-18 APR 08
29 MAY 08..........................02-06 JUN 08
17 JUL 08............................21-25 JUL 08
04 SEP 08............................08-12 SEP 08
23 OCT 08...........................27-31 OCT 08
11 DEC 08............................15-19 DEC 08

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Triple Nickel Members Prepare to Lay Wreaths

The 555 Honors Detahment prepares to lay Holiday Wreaths at the site of the Service Seals at the base of the main flagpole at the Ohio Western Reserve National Cemetary on a very cold and snowy 15 DEC 2007. 555 members representing all uniformed services, including the Merchant Marine, are shown in full military uniforms. They include Francis Elmerick, Elton Boyer, Joe DeLuca, Mack Hanna, Phil Bishop, Hal Fulton and Jerry Lance. (click picture to enlarge)

Wreaths Are Lain at OWRNC

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Lest We Forget (Arlington pictured)

Triple Nickel members will participate as eight Wreaths will be placed at the Ohio Western Resrve National Cemetary on Saturday, 15 DEC 2007.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

New Blog to Enhance Communications

Today marks the beginning of the internet communications tool known as a BLOG. The address for the blog is . This tool will allow us to post our Unit history, track current events and post schedules of duty, meetings and other information as needed. The blog will undoubtedly go thru an evolutionary process and patience is requested :)