Historical Artist Frank Thomas will present his art and a lecture 14 SEP 6:00pm at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints located at 4411 Windfall Road. Windfall Road is just East of the intersection of I-71 and Route 18, turn left on Windfall, the Church is at the right where Windfall deadends into Granger. There is no charge.
LDS Religious Artist Frank Thomas was an official U.S. Army Combat Artist in Vietnam (1967) and one of only two official Army artists sent to the Persian Gulf to paint Operation Desert Storm. His military paintings and art prints of the U.S. Army in battle are thrilling and dramatic, resulting from his combat experiences both as a field artillery officer and as an artist. They give a vision of action as seen through the eyes of a combat artist. His Civil War and Old West "Horse Soldier" paintings and art prints reveal an artist who rides, owns and knows the horse. Frank Thomas' art studio site also offers his religious canvas paintings and art prints placed in LDS Temples and Church buildings.
Check out Frank Thomas' website at wildgoose@crystalpeaks.com